Management of institute
Director of institute
(ñ 2019 ïî 12 àïðåëÿ 2024 ãîäà)
Gavrilov Sergey Vital'evich, Dr., Prof., Chief Researcher.
Sergey Gavrilov was graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Faculty of management and applied mathematics.
He received Candidate of Engineering Sciences degree in 1997th. In 2007th, he defended his Ph.D. thesis.
Sergey Gavrilov is the laureate of the Russian Government prize in science and technology (2015), author of 200 scientific papers, including two monographs.
Sergey Gavrilov is a member of the Expert Council of the Highest Attestation Committee of the Russian Federation on management, computer engineering and Informatics.
The list of his papers have been published during his employment in IPPM RAS.
Academic Supervisor
(ñ 2018 ïî 30 ìàðòà 2024 ãîäà)
Alexander L. Stempkovsky has degree of doctor of engineering sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) (2006). Dr.Stempkovsky is the winner of the State Awards of the Russian Federation in the field of science (2003) and the winner of the Awards of the RF Goverment in the field of science (2015); the author of 211 scientific publications including a number of inventions and three monographies. His achievements have been rewarded by the Honor Award and the Friendship Award of the Russian Federation. Dr. Stempkovsky is one of the leading scientists of Russia in the field of Computer Aided Design (CAD) for micro- and nanoelectronic equipment.
Dr. Stempkovsky is the chairman of the IPPM RAS Thesis Council, editor-in-chief of scientific magazine "Information Technologies" and member of editorial boards journals "Computing Technologies", "Informatics and Its Applications", "Information Technologies and Computing Systems", "Software Engineering".
Dr. Stempkovsky is the member of the Bureau of RAS' Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies Branch (ONIT RAS), the chairman of the Council of RAS' Central House of Scientists.
From 2005th, he is the founder and chairman of All-Russian Science&Technology Conferences "Problems of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development" (MES).
Dr. Stempkovsky has significant experience in international cooperation arrangement to hold international projects and events. In 1991-1994 years he organized and held a set of international famous scientific "Russian Workshops" devoted to EDA problems in microelectronics. Basing on such experience, from 1992nd Dr. Stempkovsky became one of the founders of Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE).
Many years Dr. Stempkovsky represents Russia and the Russian Academy of Sciences in international organizations: he is the member of the WG 10.5 (Design and Engineering of Electronic Systems) of International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), the member of program and organizing committees of large famous international conferences and workshops.