Supporting young scientists

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Educational centers
Scientific-educational center
Educational laboratory
Supporting young scientists
IPPM RAS in frames of integration with universities has following educational structures:
  • Two educational centers (MGIET(TU) and MGIEM(TU))
  • Scientific-educational center "Development of micro&nanoelectronic systems"
  • Educational laboratory

Educational laboratory

The joint research laboratory for development of smart design systems at Taganrog technology institute of South Federal university (TTI YuFU)

Data on the RAS institution:
  Leader, science degree:
  A. Stempkovsky, the doctor of engineering science,
academician of RAS

#involved science personal
#members of RAS - 1
#students being educated - IPPM RAS render methodical assistance to YuFU ÈÏÏÌ ÐÀÍ and on IPPM side the students are not involved.

Data on university:
Taganrog technology institute of South Federal university (TTI YuFU)

Department: Automatics and Computers
Cathedra: CAD
#involved teachers - 9

Direction of education: 230100 "Informatics and Computers". Qualification: bachelor, master. Contingent - 4-6 courses, post-graduate.

Notes about activity of laboratory

New technologies and tools for improvement of efficiency of search procedures have been developed and explored è ñðåäñòâà ïîâûøåíèÿ ýôôåêòèâíîñòè ïîèñêîâûõ ïðîöåäóð. Ones use evolutionary modeling. These technologies allow efficiently to manage with search of optimal and quasi-optimal solutions of task of designning layout of set of IP-blocks, consisting a base for implementation of whole class Soc requiring time, that is considerably less in comparison with time for solution this task by classical methods. It allows at VLSI layout design to use developed mathmatical models, strategies, principles, methods and heuristics, met to concrete tasks.

The derived results are stated in two monographs, 17 papers, in 18 reports in All-Russia and international conferences. The joint work was presented in CEBIT-2009 in Hannover.